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the Australian School Library Association

The Australian School Library Association (ASLA) is the national authority, the peak forum in the field of teacher librarianship and school library resource services.

Its aim is to maximise opportunities for students to obtain independent lifelong learning and decision making skills through ASLA's commitment to :

  • High professional standards
  • Awareness of advances and changes in technology and the competence and ability to teach and use it
  • Effective, cooperative use of school resource services by the whole school community
  • Qualified teacher librarians with an image of excellence
  • Optimum use of the dual skills of teaching and librarianship

ASLA is administered by a Board.

Membership to ASLA is available to Individuals; Schools K-!2; and Corporate Entities or through the relevant member association, each of which is an independent body, with its own administration and association membership status.
Members receive a range of benefits, outlined here.

National standards and policies are collaboratively developed for school libraries and the teacher librarianship profession.

ASLA engages in advocacy and promotion and lobbying projects and activities on behalf of school libraries.

Professional learning events are conducted in collaboration with member associations and/or hosted by ASLA.

Research in the field of school libraries and teacher librarianship are negotiated with national research agencies.

Professional resource materials are published to promote the development of school libraries.

ASLA engages in national forums and alliances on behalf of the school library profession.

Organisational Objectives

The Association is a non profit organisation for the promotion of school libraries and teacher librarianship in Australia. The objects of the Association are:

(a) to promote an understanding of the aims, needs and educational significance of school library resource services and teacher librarianship;

(b) to establish, review and maintain national standards and guidelines for school libraries to, through maintaining an awareness of state and national decisions regarding school relationships and providing advice to those bodies on all matters concerning school library resources services and teacher librarianship;

(c) to be a national authority in the field of school library resource services and teacher librarianship;

(d) to promote school libraries through research and publication.



By-law 1: Direct membership

The application fee is the first year's annual subscription. All existing members of ASLA Member Associations remain members of ASLA at the time the State/Territory association ceases to exist. 

By-law 2: Association Membership

Annual subscription fees are determined by the Board at the last meeting of each calendar year. Members will be notified of any changes 12 months in advance of the renewal period.

By-law 3: Elections

Dates and timeline for nominations and voting will be determined as part of the annual calendar to be approved at the final Board meeting for each year. Nominations and elections take place before the Annual General Meeting. Any nominator, nominee or elected officer must be a financial member of the Association. No person can hold more than one position on the Board.

By-law 4: Board

Any changes to the Board are by special resolution passed by Voting Members as part of any Constitutional amendment through an Annual General Meeting.

By-law 5: Project Teams

Project Teams may be formed for specific purposes that may be either short or long term. The Board determines the scope and terms of reference for each team. For short-term teams a proposal must be presented to the Board for consideration.

By-law 6: Meetings

The annual calendar of meetings, as approved by the Board, will be available to members via the website. Members will be notified of the meeting schedule via email.

By-law 7: Remunerated personnel

The Board shall determine the timeframe for the process.

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ASLA acknowledges and pays respect to the past and present Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Australian School Library Association, Inc. | 416 Magill Rd, Kensington Gardens SA 5068 AUSTRALIA | email: ABN: 13 949 313 604 ARBN: 141 262 866

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